Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ow! It hurts!

Giant nerf bat beating for Death Knights yesterday evening.

We QQed a lot at first, but... after testing some numbers, it seems okay, really. I had one last glorious Scourge Strike crit for 9206 before the newest patch, but those days will be gone forever... *sniffles*

But! This is what beta testing is about. They toned down DKs because our damage was ridiculous. They just seem to have over-corrected it. =P I was critting Scourge Strike for something like 3.2k, which is acceptable. I'm still beating mobs my level with full health afterwards, it's just taking me a bit longer.

The problem is, though... okay, that sounds fine if we look at Death Knights in an isolated vacuum, but... Dumal is level 76. If Daejin were level 76 right now, and he were only getting crits for 3.2k... I think I'd be upset. Scourge Strike is probably an Unholy Death Knight's most powerful ability, on par with a Frost DK's Howling Blast or a Blood DK's Heart Strike. These abilities SHOULD be critting for a lot, right? If a Mage can stand there and shoot out crit after crit of more than 5k, shouldn't a Death Knight be able to expect the same thing?

Some abilities are extremely underpowered right now, namely Death Coil, which gave me a 613 crit last night. XD I was critting for about four times that amount before. For its cost of 40 Runic Power, 600 crits are definitely not worth it. Death and Decay took a beating, too. Used to be like, 200 damage each second, now it's like... 80?

Hopefully things get straightened out soon. Though, if they don't, that's more encouragement to level my Mage or my Shaman. =P

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