Sorry for the delay in updates. ^^'' I had company for a few days last week, and wasn't able to play much. Dumal is currently level 72, about halfway to 73. I keep hearing that to get the most out of leveling, you should do both starting zones (Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord). Having completed all the Howling Fjord quests (thus earning the "I've Toured the Fjord!" achievement!), I first set out to the Dragonblight. I had a couple quests leading there, so I went and did a few before heading to Borean Tundra.

A couple new Howling Fjord pics that I liked. I must say again-- this zone is BEAUTIFUL, and the music is simply amazing. =)

They DID change the graphic for Path of Frost. =P If you look closely, behind me there are little spots of frozen water in my wake. Still pretty lame, but better than snowflake blasts.

View of New Hearthglen as I ride on a giant turtle from Howling Fjord into Dragonblight.

One of the aforementioned giant turtles, as seen from Moa'ki Village, Dragonblight.

A couple pics of Moa'ki Village, the Tuskaar outpost where you first arrive in Dragonblight. It's a neutral quest hub, so there are a few stinky Alliance here.

Looking North from Moa'ki Village.

New race! The Wolvar. =)

Riplash Strand, Borean Tundra. Soon after I arrived here to do some quests, I got ganked by a Mage. =\ But then I got vengeance and camped her ass for three kills. >=)
Other than the fact that Borean Tundra is a massive gankfest, I'm enjoying the quests here. I'm thinking that the reason there's so much world PvP is because there are no battlegrounds or arenas open yet. People are interested in testing out the new skills and talents in PvP and have no outlet for it other than world PvP. It's kind of annoying sometimes, especially if I'm just focusing on quests, but it can be fun as well, because it also gives ME a chance to flex my PvP muscles. =P
The are beautiful screenshots Daej! I can't wait to see more!
Thanks, Hespy! ^^ I've gotten into the habit of randomly taking screens as I travel, trying to catch a nice view where I can. Trust me, you guys'll get all the good ones. :D
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