Saturday, August 23, 2008

Borean Tundra

Finally did a mild bit of exploring in the Borean Tundra when I traveled to Northrend on my 70 Elemental Shaman that I copied from Greymane. I have to say I was able to find an area there that I liked, and perhaps as I continue to explore, my mind will be changed from my initial "meh" feeling about the place. =)

And then some misty pictures taken from the wintery coastline of the Northrend continent. You can see Warsong Hold in the first one, the Horde outpost you first arrive at.


Maxim said...

At first I thought that the 1st picture is from real life. Too bad that it wasnt (:

Joe said...

Haha, I agree! Blizzard has really done a great job developing these new zone, I think. =)