My first impressions of Howling Fjord were much better than the ones I got from Borean Tundra. =) This zone is rather beautiful, for the most part. The presence of the Forsaken seems to have "bleakened" some areas, though!
After Dumal hit level 70 today, he flew from the Undercity via zeppelin and arrived in Vengeance Landing, a Forsaken outpost in the Howling Fjord. Leveling from 55 to 70 took me just under 50 hours. I'm not sure if the leveling speed increase is for beta testing or if they plan to keep in the final release... I'm hoping they keep it!
Here are photos! Dumal brought his camera. =P

Vengeance Landing from really high up.

Vengeance Landing from really close up. =P That's the zep tower where you arrive.

View looking north from Vengeance Landing.

Level 70 Dumal wearing legs, chest, shoulders, and helm that were quest rewards from Northrend so far. Pretty cool lookin'!

Road heading south, toward New Amagand, my next quest hub. I love the lanterns along the road, and ahead, the giant bones mark a HUGE bridge.

View from the aforementioned huge bridge. ^_-

My first encounter with the Tuskarr!

Those three are all views from the southern coast of Northrend. =)
So far I've LOVED the quests in Howling Fjord. If you've ever leveled an Undead, you'll see some familiarities, but the quests themselves are much more unique in design. You have the basic elements (kill 10 of X, collect 4 of Y, escort Z out of ... (ran out of letters... >.>)), but they're presented in new ways that make it fun to level. Overall, I'm highly pleased. ^^
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