Yesterday was my first day in Beta, and the first thing I did was to create my Orc Death Knight, Dumal. I was really impressed with how the Death Knight looks. Very cool. All the races even get new undead-style skin tones they can use for the DK. Dumal is a blue-skinned Orc. ^^

Dumal is now level 60 and has just arrived in Hellfire Peninsula. I quested in EPL, WPL, and Silithus from 58 to 60.

The Runic Power system is pretty neat. Most of your abilities use Runes. For example, Bone Armor requires 1 Unholy, or Death Strike requires 1 Blood and 1 Unholy. You have two Blood, two Frost, and two Unholy Runes at your disposal. When you use a Rune, it goes on cooldown for about ten seconds before you can use it again. All abilities that require you to use Runes will build your Runic Power gauge. This gauge will deteriorate over time like a Warrior's Rage bar. If an ability does NOT use a Rune, it will require Runic Power. Death Coil, for instance, uses 50 Runic Power (out of a max of 100). Any given ability will use EITHER Runes OR Runic Power, never both. The idea is that you build Runic Power using your Runes, then unleash it. There are, however, some abilities like Blood Boil or Death Grip that require neither Runes nor Runic Power, but these have cooldowns associated with them.

Overall, I'm really enjoying the class so far. It's primarily a melee class, but the ability to deal Shadow or Frost damage mixed in, along with diseases, gives it a lot of variety. They're excellent dealing with multiple mobs at once, and have quite a few abilities to help them do so.
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