Dumal is 77 now. =) Just about finished in Grizzly Hills. It's been a fun zone; I really enjoyed it a lot. I think I have a couple group quests left before I move on to Sholazar Basin (Un'goro 2, as I've heard it called =P).
Grizzly Hills has been an absolutely gorgeous zone, full of contrast. Snow and grass, tall trees, high mountains, low plains, rivers, waterfalls... it has a ton to offer, and it all comes together nicely. ^^

A field of wildflowers just north of Conquest Hold, the first Horde outpost you arrive at.

Looking down on a beautiful river and waterfall near Conquest Hold.

A really cool hollow log acting as a bridge. Nice details on it, like moss, mushrooms, and grass growing in and around it. =)

View from within the log, looking out the other end.

"The Alliance hereby claims these... mushrooms! And... this tuft of grass!" (Seriously, I don't even know if there's an outpost near here. =P)

I thought the road cutting through this tree was a neat effect.

Grizzly Hills has it all! A small lake, trees, a huge mountain, green grass, white snow... I love it here. ^^

Another nice waterfall pic.

Above a waterfall. You can see the water start to get rough at the end there before it falls off. I liked the foreground vs. background imagery here. =)

I'm guessing this path isn't safe. =P

Eastern Grizzly Hills. These are some Troll ruins.

(3 above) Various views from the Ruins of Tethys, also on the eastern coast.

So I was questing along one night, and got a whisper asking me if I wanted to do some quest. Apparently in Zul'Drak (the zone north of Grizzly Hills), there is a Northrend equivalent of Nagrand's Ring of Blood quest. It turned out to be a lot of fun! THIS was one of the reward options. ^_-

Saw this kitty on my way through Zul'Drak. I thought he was kick-ass, and might be of interest to you Hunter types.
Stay tuned for more. ^^ Oh, and for laughs, check out these graphics bugs that came with the most recent patch. =P
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