O. M. G. Dalaran is... amazing. It's gorgeous, it's magnificent, it's breath-taking. The music is phenomenal, and the architecture and design are incredible. Okay, I'm running out of adjectives, and I think you get the picture. ^_-
SPEAKING of getting the picture, I have TONS of screenshots. Enjoy. =)

Map! There's an Alliance half to the southwest and the Horde zone is to the northeast. If you go into a building of the opposing faction, you're ported out. =P

One of the new barber shops. They have them in the major cities, but this was the first one I visited. =)

Inside the barber shop.
Before: bald, beard stubble.
After: kick-ass mohawk, nicely cropped beard, and all this for only 15g! :D

The new Dumal!

Read the sign. =P

A bit of wine tasting, for the more refined Horde members. =)

And the cheese vendor, conveniently placed right next to the wine. ^_-

A place called "the Wonderworks." Looks like a toy store. =)

Inside the Wonderworks. Notice the vendor's name. ^_-

'Nother view in the Wonderworks. Looks fun! :D

A nice vista down a street. =)

(2 above) Leatherworking/Skinning shop.

Herbalism greenhouse. =)

Chillin' with Breanni, as requested by Kisa. ^^

Good lord, this place is beautiful.

Another winding avenue.

View of Runeweaver Square, in the center of the city.

A statue in the Eventide, part of the Alliance sector.

Aerith? A girl selling flowers in the city? How... unique. =P

I guess even treants have to make a living...

Cake > Pie?

A clothing store.

Holy expensive shirts! O.o I wonder if Haris Pilton shops here. =P

Your friendly neighborhood ammunition store.

I think I wet myself. So. Effing. Gorgeous.

An inn at the Magus Commerce Exchange (a.k.a. the Trade District). It's called the Legerdemain Lounge.

Notice the big signs above the doors indicating which tradeskills they train! From left to right, First Aid, Tailoring, and Leatherworking, if you can't tell. =)

[Leader of the Kirin Tor]
Next to him is his wife, Vereesa. If you've read the War of the Ancients trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, those names should be familiar. ^^

The Magus Commerce Exchange. To the left are Inscription and Herbalism trainers, and to the right with the signs depicting mugs, is the inn I mentioned earlier.

(2 above) Inside the Inscription building. Lots of books. XD

Blacksmith trainers.

Tailoring trainers.

(2 above) First Aid trainers.

Enchanting trainers. I think the glowing enchanting mats sitting around are a really neat touch. ^^

Reagent vendor. Very cool and kinda creepy. ^^''

Engineering building, if you couldn't tell from the sign. ^_-

An inn on the Horde side of town. Very spacious with tables and a fireplace... I wouldn't mind going there. =)

(3 above) Some random shots of some nice places in Dalaran. I love the fountain in the third pic. :D

A Kirin Tor guard, Horde side.

Beautiful statues, and a really nice staircase, too. ^^

Even Dalaran's mailboxes are magic. =P

The Antonidas Memorial. (

Krasus's Landing. This is where the flight master is.
Overall, Dalaran is interesting in that in combines an old-timey look with a completely magical feel. It puts even Silvermoon to shame, imo. =P I hope you had as much fun viewing the screenshots as I had taking them. This expansion has not yet ceased to amaze me, and I can't wait until it comes out so you can all experience it too. =)
1 comment:
great post man :)
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